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React Native & Expo 안드로이드 오류 CommandError: No Android connected device found, and no emulators could be started automatically. / Android Studio Emulator

iOS simulator가 해결되고 나니 이번엔 안드로이드 오류...

CommandError: No Android connected device found, and no emulators could be started automatically. Please connect a device or create an emulator (https://docs.expo.dev/workflow/android-studio-emulator). Then follow the instructions here to enable USB debugging: https://developer.android.com/studio/run/device.html#developer-device-options. If you are using Genymotion go to Settings -> ADB, select "Use custom Android SDK tools", and point it at your Android SDK directory.



Android Studio Emulator 해결방법 ↓↓↓



Android Studio Emulator

Learn how to set up the Android Emulator to test your app on a virtual Android device.



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